Сіздің болашаққа бастар жолыңыз

Сіздің болашаққа бастар жолыңыз

Шоқан Уәлиханов атындағы Кокшетау Университеті – академиялық жетістіктерге, озық зерттеулерге және инклюзивті оқыту ортасын құруға ұмтылуымен танымал Қазақстанда орналасқан жетекші оқу орны.

1962 жылы негізі қаланған университет әлемнің түкпір-түкпірінен келген студенттерге жоғары сапалы білім беруде пионер болып табылады.

Біздің көрнекті профессорлық-оқытушылар құрамы өз салаларындағы сарапшылардан тұрады және академиялық бағдарламалар сыни ойлауды, проблемаларды шешу дағдыларын және инновацияларды дамытуға арналған. Ш.Уәлиханов атындағы университет сонымен қатар АРТА аккредитациясынан өткен, бұл біздің халықаралық сапа стандарттарына адалдығымыздың дәлелі.

Өтініш беру

Студенттік өмір

Біздің университет ұсынатын бай мүмкіндіктер мен ресурстарды ашыңыз.

Студенттік өмір

Кампусты зерттеңіз

Кампустың жанды өміріне еніп, әрбір кампус ұсынысын зерттеңіз.

Кампусты зерттеңіз

Өтініш беру

Өтінім беру процесін бастаңыз және тіркелу сапарыңызды бастаңыз.

Өтініш беру

Студент дауысы: Пікірлер және кері байланыс

Mahnoor Sikandar
Mahnoor Sikandar
Пакистан / Жалпы медицина

My name is Mahnoor Sikandar. I am from Karachi Pakistan. I'm studying here in Shoqan Ualikhanov University, Kokshetau. All the teachers are so professional and humble and I feel truly cared for by my teachers. I have learned so much already and have been inspired from being surrounded by so much passion and talent. There are so many opportunities to play and create in a range of ensembles, and I am happy here. It’s a small university but it’s such a friendly environment! All the lecturers really get to know you and treat you as an individual rather than just a number, they are so supportive. It’s so inclusive and the students are all in the same position so worries can easily be resolved as you are never on your own! University has it's own discipline and rules which i really appreciate. Medical faculty is doing great and I am happy here.

Fatima Nisar
Fatima Nisar
Пакистан / Жалпы медицина

Greetings! I am Fatima Nisar. I am from Lahore, Pakistan. I am 2nd course MBBS student at Kokshetau State university. I did my 1st course online in Pakistan due to pandemic after that I came to Kazakhstan and continue offline studies at campus. My experience with KSU is extremely overwhelming because as a med faculty student university meets all the criteria of my field. My teachers are well experienced and encouraging towards students. Our medical campus is well equipped. University always keep foreign students on their mainline and produce friendly environment for foreign students as well as local students always make sure that we feel at home here. On the other hand university provides foreign student different extracurricular and co curricular activities which are exceptional. Last thing university always make sure to keep check on our hostel that we are having no difficulty with living. I am a proud KSU student. Thank you.

Raza Murad
Raza Murad
Пакистан / Жалпы медицина

I'm Raza Murad, I'm from Pakistan and I'm a student of General Medicine (second year), Shokan Ualikhanov Kokshetau State is the best university in Kazakhstan for MBBS. It includes world class professors, best researchers and qualified staff. There are practical labs where we can do experiments and activities based on research and thats the best thing because the knowledge we gain through experiments is the most useful and can be very helpful in our upcoming professional life. There is a library too which is also a treasure house of knowledge for students. As a foreign student I have found the faculty very cooperative and helpful, they guide us in each and everything. The beautiful people of this part of the world are just amazing. They are very friendly and loving. I am in love with the people of this city. I feel this place as my second home. I feel appreciative to be student of KSU.

Yoranda Abimanyu Harness
Yoranda Abimanyu Harness
Индонезия / Информатика и робототехника

My name is Yoranda Abimanyu Harness. I am from Bali - Indonesia, I currently study at Ualikhanov University under major computer science and robotics. I fell grateful that can study abroad far from my home. I find lot of experience and new friends. Ualikhanov University is supportive in having the resources, network and different areas of specialties available to aid individual learning and achievements. I feel much supported when faced with academic challenges. There are social activities, and facilities to support physical, social and mental wellbeing as the university ensures the academic journey is successfully achieved.

Mohamed Wasim
Mohamed Wasim
Индия / Общая медицина

I'm Mohamed Wasim, I'm from India. I'm a student of Ualikhanov University. I'm studying at the faculty of General Medicine. It's been two years since I joined this University. It's been a great experience learning medicine here in Kokshetau. I would say both University and Medical faculty campus have a great infrastructure and it has the best teaching faculty members. They made me learn every subject clearly. I enjoy my studies in Ualikanov University.