Javier Rodrigo Ilarri
PhD, professor

Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain)
Javier Rodrigo-Ilarri graduated as Civil engineer on 1997 on Universitat Politècnica deValència (UPV).
His doctoral thesis on flow modeling and mass transport in fracturedmedia was awarded the UPV extraordinary doctorate prize in 2005.
Between 1998 and 1999 he held the position of Environmental Quality Engineer at theWaste and Pollution Service of the Department of the Environment of the ValencianRegional Administration.
Since 2000 he is Assistant Professor at the Hydraulic andEnvironmental Engineering Department of the UPV. In 2008, he was guest researcher atthe Geothermal Group of the Center for Applied Geoscience of the Eberhard-KarlsUniversity of Tübingen (Germany), where he developed the application of geostatisticalsimulation techniques to surface geothermal problems.
In 2012, he held the position oftechnical director of the Metropolitan Entity for Waste Treatment (EMTRE), being thehighest technical manager of the management facilities (treatment, recovery anddisposal) of urban solid waste in the metropolitan area of Valencia.His main research lines focus on different fields of environmental engineering:groundwater pollution, environmental impact assessment, solid waste managementand contaminated soils. In these areas, he has participated as a researcher in 34research projects subsidized in public calls, 16 research contracts with companiesand/or administrations, has published 35 research publications, and has presented 90contributions to international conferences. He has directed two doctoral theses and 76Bachelor and Master Thesis.Since its foundation in 2002, he is member of the Hydrogeology Research Group of theInstitute of Water and Environmental Engineering (IIAMA-UPV).
Since June 2021 he isSecretary and Deputy Director of the IIAMA.