
QS EECA University Rankings-2022

QS World University Rankings is a global study of higher education institutions in terms of their performance in education and science. The rating was developed in 2004, it is calculated according to the methodology of the British consulting company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) and is one of the most influential world university rankings.

Regional ranking QS Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Rankings (QS EECA) includes educational institutions of developing countries in Europe and Central Asia. At the end of 2020, the final ranking table (QS EECA - 2022) includes 450 universities of the region out of 3300 participating in the assessment.

The analysis was carried out according to the following criteria:

According to the results of the QS Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Rankings - 2022 (QS EECA-2022), Ualikhanov University takes 301-350 place in the overall standings.

По показателю соотношения профессорско-преподавательского состава к числу обучающихся (Faculty Student) Ualikhanov University расположился на 91 месте, а по остальным показателям в общей сложности университет занимает 201+ место.

QS EECA | Ualikhanov University | Fact File

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