Academic mobility (İnönü University)
Hi everybody! My name is Tursynbaeva Ayazhan, I am a 4th year student of AKK-94 group of philology faculty. In the spring semester of last year, I was lucky enough to participate in the Academic Mobility Program and win a grant to study at one of the best educational institutions in Turkey - Inonu University, which is located in the city of Malatya.
İnönü University is one of the largest public universities in Turkey. The campus of the university can also be called a small city in Malatya due to its large area. I am extremely glad that I ended up in this country and at this university, because every day of my life was full of unforgettable adventures and new acquaintances! Of course, these were the most interesting, brightest and unforgettable moments in my life.
But not everything goes smoothly: Studying in Turkey is not exactly easy. People here are very kind and caring, but not when it comes to studying. Teachers will not treat you better just because you are a foreigner, the rules are the same for everyone. So if you plan in advance to come here, be prepared for an endless number of assignments and projects. And be sure to learn the language.
The only thing I can advise is to think about it earlier, and if possible, do it in your second or third year. For me personally, the exchange semester was the most intense and memorable, and most importantly, it broadened my horizons and made me find myself, so to speak, and realise what you can achieve. Also, thanks to this programme, I started learning my fifth language. As you understand, I could write forever about the benefits of academic mobility.
Finally, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my university, Ualikhanov University, and especially to all the staff of the International Relations Department, who helped me to fulfil my dream of studying abroad.