On February 21, 2022 the student scientific conference "Life after COVID-19"
On February 21, 2022 the student scientific conference "Life after COVID-19" in offline format with broadcasting on online platform ZOOM, where students of 1-3 courses with Kazakh, Russian and English languages of training took part, was held within the walls of the higher school of medicine. Welcoming speech was made by vice-rector on internationalization and innovative development Sagyndykova Zhaylagul Oralovna and head of the chair "morphology, physiology and general pathology" Zhangalov Banurzhan Bayanovich; they wished creative success and achievement of heights in educational and research activities.
All in all 21 students took part in conference and 20 reports on three languages were presented, that couldn't help gladdening as quantity and quality of executed works. Young researchers in detail shared information on etiopathogenetic aspects of the disease, current methods of diagnosis and treatment, attention was paid to the residual effects, preventive measures and correlation of COVID-19 with other diseases, and the influence of one on the other.
According to the results of the conference 6 prize places were distributed among the participants as follows:
1st place - Mendybaeva Nargiz - student of OMP-92 group with topic of research "Influence of COVID-19 on diabetes";
2nd place - Tolganai Isbulatova - student of OMK-211 group with the research theme "Problems with memory and attention in patients who had COVID-19";
2nd place - Ilyas Kamyspayev - student of group ОМР-213, report on topic "Loss of sense of smell (anosmia) in coronavirus";
3rd place - Anton Besprizorny - student of group ОМР-203, topic of the report: "Actual issues of treatment of COVID-19";
3rd place - Erlan Arkhabaev, a student of OMK-211 group with the report "Pathogenetic mechanism of Aurudin Disease";
3rd place - Raza Murad, student of OMA-202 group, topic of the research "Topical issues of etiology, predisposing factors for the development of coronavirus infection".